Our Four-Legged Friends


Ollie drives us nuts sometimes with his shrill non-ending bark but he is the funniest thing.  And he is quick!  And always dirty!

They love to watch the yahoos.  They are very protective of them.

Trying to get a good shot of all three of them is nearly impossible.

Ollie is in there somewhere.  He is waiting for the girls to run by so he can attack.

Here he is.

Gladys waiting for the squirrels to make a mistake.

How in the world did this happen.  Cheese!

This is the sweetest pup on the planet.  Imogene loves to get on your lap and hug you.

They had a big week.  At the risk being of being put in FB jail, I won't post pics but I will tell you that they are fast enough to catch a squirrel that Imogene brought to me in the house, a baby bunny that never made it through the door by Ollie, a chipmunk by Gladys, and finally a bird by Ollie.  They are going to push me over the edge.


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