Finally The Day They Have Been Dreaming Of

 Construction Day with REAL tools and REAL wood!

But first, some playing in the backyard is in order.

We had an extraordinary visitor in the morning class.  Jase brought his tool belt and toolbox.

First a little work at the school table.

Safety first.

Levi checking out my toolbox.

Levi using Pappy's actual drill.

screwdriver skills

measure twice, cut once

Cutting with a very dull saw.

He made a stool/tower.

Wammy, is today construction day?

We first watch a video about what it means to be an engineer or architect.

Asher working hard with the big screwdriver.

Jase uses the hammer.

Then he tries to add wire.

Louie working things out in his head.

They are so proud!

It was a huge success.  I think they could do this every day.


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