Field Trip To The Nature Center


Lazy day in the hammock for these two.

This is what happens when he gets the spoon.

We took an unscheduled, spur-of-the-moment field trip to the Nature Center while Avery and Pappy took a nap.

We all had one quarter to buy some fish/turtle food.

Just sitting around lookin' good in our pj's because it is Friday and that means that it is Pajama Day.

We didn't see any turtles but the fish were really hungry.

One Louie dragonfly.

And one little turtle named Ava.

Ava wasn't the least bit excited to go into the log cabin, as you can see by her face.

But she got a little better as the minutes drug on.

She said that she didn't think she could live there.  I told her that I think I could.

Having a snack and a chat in Playscape.

Had to get a selfie.  I loved being there.  I think we all loved the change of scenery.

Can you smell the trees?

Do you see the two explorers in the woods?

The coolest place in Playscape.

Once we got home I asked them to draw a picture of their favorite part of the day.  Louie said that his was looking for the turtle. I think Ava liked feeding all the fish.

What a great day!  I wish I could take all of them.  We would have a blast.


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