Imogene Didn't Have A Very Good Day

I didn't witness the tussle but all I know is...Adi came into the house and said that Mr. Jon needed me right away!  When I got to the door he was still using the broom to separate Imogene and Gladys.  All I saw was two dogs covered in blood.  I will spare you the other details.

Imogene was the one that ended up at the vet.

four staples later

And the cone of shame for 10-14 days.

Neither one of us likes that cone much.

One of the benefits is getting to go wait for the bus.

She is fine and Gladys has been taking good careof her.  From what I can determine they were playing with toys.  Each carrying one in their mouths and maybe Imogene got backed into a corner and felt threatened.  I really have no clue.

Thanks to Mr Jon we were able to get the hose and clean them both up.  We herded all the kids in the house with Mark.  Christa came and was able to give moral support.

All is well on the farm.  Today is the day we return to the vet to get the staples out. AND THE CONE WILL BE GONE!  Love our vet...Dr. Kerwin at Day Heights Veternary Clinic.


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