Our Valentine Party

We had a good start to the day.  Everyone was excited but we still had work to do.  I made the executive decision to wait for the girls to get off the bus so they could join in on the party.

That meant that we got a little extra time to play in the morning but our afternoon would be really busy.

They love the old toys returning.

Busy Boxes

The new penguin lower and uppercase Busy Box was a hit.  It could have been the dobbers too.

numbers and number words

Nothing like a good dry erase marker.  He wrote the letters and I used some elbow grease to clean them off.

Love how proud they are of themselves.

Lowercase letter search is always fun!

The Art Center turned into the Math Table today for some cutting, glueing an ordering.

That crazy letter Q.  Just so you know it is not a quail...it is an umbrella bird.

The older boys taking a turn at the Penguin Busy Box.

All our work complete and not it is time to get ready for the party.  The boys made a table runner.

The helped pass out valentines.

It looked great!

They were so proud of themselves.

We finished and had time to play on the driveway before the busses came.  Can you tell that it is warm?

The played King On The Iceberg.

Then they jumped in the puddles.

We had a guest reader!  And we all loved the book!!

Party time.

Everyone had a special place to open their valentines.



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