A Bunch Of Stuff

 You never know what you will find when you turn around.  They love a good dress-up day.

I think she looks like a frog or one of the buggy-eyed goldfish.

Levi counting hearts.

More counting and then writing the number in a small square.  He did a really nice job!

Then it was time to press the letters of his name into the RoDoh.

A few more heart activities.

These afternoon boys were real go-getters!

I love the new extended markers that they came up with.

Asher and his new haircut.

tracing large hearts

They love a little floor work.

They love each other so much that they work right on top of each other.  The closer the better.

A valentine number line.

Friends helping friends.

We went out for just a bit to get some sunshine and to check on the snow/ice pile.

All the kings of the driveway mountain.

After a nap, you just got to have a little snack.


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