What a Happy New Year We Are Having

 New Year's Eve was a little different this year.  Things are all quiet on the home front.  No company.  No extra puppies.  no good smells coming from the kitchen.  Just Mark, the puppies, and me.  Because Mark tested positive for COVID.  We thought he just had a head cold with a cough.  Shannon Ridder picked up two tests, dropped them off and we took them.  Mark's positive and I was negative.  Mark immediately called his primary care.  It wasn't 30 minutes later that he got in touch with Mark and told him what to do.  The man is on vacation.  Get a pulsox (not sure that is how you write it or not) meter, Mucinex DM, hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate, and most importantly move, don't sit around!  The Bruce's made a stop by CVS and picked up everything we needed.  As soon as Michael got home from work I delivered the news and he tested.  Another negative.  Thank you Jesus!

This is what the morning brought.   A tall dark figure standing outside my bedroom door woke me up wanting to know where breakfast was!  Are you kidding me!  Good thing he taught me how to make oats in the Instant Pot.  And I made it just the way he does just about every morning of the world.

But we need to be on the same page.  Room service delivers three meals a day and picks up three times.  By 10AM I had been up the stairs about 8 times bringing things down to the kitchen.  This was in-between bleaching, Lysoling, and cleaning everything in the house.  And he seems to think it is okay to come out of the bedroom.  Someone text him the definition of isolation.  So I came up with a plan...

Melissa suggested a star or sticker chart.

I am so glad that I picked up cafeteria trays from Perdue when we were at Cassie's.  They are not only great for keeping the table clean at preschool but actually work as 
'sick' trays.  Who would have thunk it?

But seriously he seems a little better than last night.  I hear less coughing.  We will just keep plugging along until it is time to go to the hospital for the infusion.  Thanks, everyone for checking in on us.  We are feeling the love!


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