Snowmen Visit Preschool


Just hanging around with every toy in the closet.

This girl is making words, sounding them out, and reading them!  And she loves it!

Snowman in a bag.

Reading a book at the school table today.

snowflakes with shapes

Putting a snowman in a bottle.

This pic makes my heart so happy!  Every day this is how he prays at lunch.

Working on those small muscles.

That's not Louie.

They love working side by side.

Putting a snowman in a bottle is such a difficult challenge.

Jase remembers this activity from last year.  He reminded me of it one-day last week.  We wished we could do it again.  Well, Jase, you got your wish.

They love them!

Nailed it!

He doesn't need to have a snowman...he is just a cutie all alone.

And then there is this one that I can just smother with Wammy hugs.

I love my job!!  But most days I am exhausted and go to bed really early.


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