Our First Snow

 I have been watching my favorite 'weather' people since last night.

I even put Gladys on high alert.

I put out my Let It Snow flag.

I got reports from IN, WI, OH WV, NH, and KY.

My father-in-law always said a watched pot never boils.  So I headed for the basement to do laundry and sew.  When I came up I saw it!

I am a happy camper!

While everyone else is getting 4-8 inches of the beautiful stuff...this is what we got!

I'm packin' it in.

Pitiful.  You know it is pitiful when you can take an old broom and sweep the sidewalk and part of the driveway.

So sad.

This is to all my WV family and friends.  Wish I was home!  Keep posting pictures, I live through you!

I found it on Facebook and thought it was too good not to share.


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