I've Been Doing A Little Thing This Year

 I have sadly come to the conclusion I will never be able to live out my dream of thru-hiking the AT.  I know Grandma Gatewood was in her 80's so maybe there still is a slight chance I could do it.  We will see.

So I have been keeping track of all my steps this year.  Steps in the house, steps in the backyard, and steps really hiking.  Here are my stats...

In one year this is how I did.  I think I can do better next year.  At this rate, it will take me more than three years to complete the 2,190+ miles.

So I started my (in my own little mind and world) NOBO hike in Georgia at Springer Mountain.  It is at the bottom of the map.  

See that little red dot (really it is a red button) in mid-Virginia.  That's where I might be by my calculations.  Somewhere on Catawba Mountain near or right past McAffe Knob.

So Shellie I challenge you to (fake hike) with me to keep me motivated.  Today is day 1.


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