First Sunday Back To Church

 Last Sunday was our first Sunday back since Mark was quarantined to the bedroom.  Boy, did it feel good to be out but was I a little anxious...yes!

We did well!

There are three 'weather people' that I look for every day...
Southwest Ohio Weather...Southwest Ohio Weather Freak...and Jon Bruce!

They keep me posted and updated on the current conditions.  It is a love-hate relationship.  If I can sniff the air and I have a feeling in my bones or if any of these three say there might be a chance of snow I am all over it.  I don't sleep at night waiting for it.  I am sure there is a word for it...some sort of condition.  Mark would say Down Right CRAZY!

I got wind that there was a change coming at it would probably happen right after church let out.  Perfect.  When we walk out of church there will be flurries coming down and I can run through the parking lot trying to catch snowflakes on my nose.

Good news...Louie learned how to blow a balloon.

My dreams were flakes anywhere to be seen.  So we went to Kroger to pick up some essentials...TP, lemon pie, Cheerios...

Murph and Bridgit meet us in the driveway to make an exchange.  They got Mark some curry chicken salad at Jungle Jimmy's and I gave them their Christmas gifts from Sarah...she made them!  Still no snow.

I'm still waiting!  I was working on school things in the guest room and looking out the window every few seconds I am sure.

Finally sitting down with some hot coffee, my warm camping blanket, my new wool socks, and my Glerups enjoying the show outside.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited that it is finally snowing but I am sad that I am not in WV where they are really getting dumped on.  Cassie even got a bunch in IN.

The dogs sure enjoyed it.

For those of you that have a ton of snow, we love this recipe.


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