Big Day For Lots Of Stuff

 Doing this blog upside down.  Meaning I will start with the PM class first and work my way to the AM class. I am too tired and it is Friday night and someone said something about snow so I will have my head hanging out the window waiting.

Ellie was going to be my support teacher one day last week but it never happened because Pappy got sick.  So she sent her lesson plans and all the materials that I would need for the boys to do.


They loved making them!

Working on making and reading words.

Wednesday Workbooks

Science experiment flop.

I ordered some (a ton came in the smallest bag I could find) corn starch packing peanuts so we could watch them dissolve.

The boys had fun using the syringes.

They colored the peanuts to look like snowmen.

We gave them plenty of time to melt.

We might have eaten a few mini marshmallows.

Not melting as fast as I thought they would.

We continued to work.

This boy loves a good pattern paper.

Marshmallow G

Levi painting with Q-Tips.

For some fun we worked on clipboards anywhere they wanted to on the first floor.

He lives for Wednesday Workbooks. (look at his face) I need to do some repairs on his before next week.

Adi and I played beauty shop.

You just never know when your RRT buff will come in handy.

Jase said she had hair like her Nina.

I think she liked it.

Nope, she loved it.

We curled it a little more and added the only ribbon I could find before she headed off to school.


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