Unseasonably Warm Monday

 It was a little too chilly after breakfast to go outside so we ventures to the basement.

I wish I had the video of this long and very informative conversation between these two.

The yahoos love this Nativity.  I can't count how many times we have told the story of Baby Jesus.  In this arrangement, it looks like there is a crowd coming to visit, and the cow is on guard.

The upstairs Mary and Joseph seem to be teaching Baby Jesus about Alexa or Echo or whichever it is.

Avery has found a safe place to play...

While the boys are rolling each other into burritos.

Table for five and one Wammy.

It finally warmed up enough for us to go outside and pick up some sticks.  We filled the entire green tub.  And in the process ran off a little steam.
I'll take being able to be outside the second week in December with no gloves or hats.  But I would love a big snowstorm.


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