The Day The Lights Went Out

 Oh, my word did today feel like a Monday.  It started out that I might have stayed up too late to finish a book and didn't really roll out of bed when I should have so that put me behind the eight ball before the day even got started.

Boom found a great place to wait for the cookies.  And he dressed for the occasion.

Once again, Adi found them.

It was time for everyone to dress up for a Christmas movie because Pappy was out delivering to MMM and getting blood work and a COVID test for his procedure on Monday.  So for the morning, there was no divide and conquer the troops.

Pappy's best buddy was a little upset that he wasn't here.

Jase was in his spot.

Still a sad little puppy.

Really into it.

Gabe was all in.

And Wammy's awesome helper was ready for the show.

And then the power went off.  I mean not a light on anywhere.  We were in pitch-black darkness.  The yahoos all thought that I had turned everything off.  Then how do you explain that there won't be any Christmas show?

Plan B...everyone grabs their favorite truck and head upstairs.  There was a lot of book reading too.

Pappy made it back.  What do you do when you need to have Preschool and there is no electricity and you have yahoos that need to see to drag out every camping lantern that had batteries in it. I was checking with the neighbors to see if their electricity was off and they all said yes.  Lynn sent me a text that said DUKE Energy would have it on by 9:45AM.  Then Mark said that he had just gotten an update and the time was now 4:45PM!  I didn't believe him so I made him show me the alert.  Then I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.  So I made lemonade out of lemons.

Levi and I headed upstairs where I opened all the shades and got out my cellphone flashlight.  Levi was almost doing the Abraham know doing homework by the fireplace in his log cabin.  We managed to get all the work finished and had time to spare so Levi had a little bit of a shortened preschool day.

Then came lunch.  Oh Lord help us!  I opened the kitchen blinds and moved the table over so I could line it with the window to get as much light as I could. It was like having a big Thanksgiving table.  Then came the really interesting part.  I bet you can't guess how many things we warm food up in the microwave every day!  Gabe had dinosaur chicken nuggets that had thawed out in the fridge. Someone had hotdogs.  Thank the Lord for Lunchables and PBJ's.  Mark and I ended up eating leftover chicken tenders.  Mark said it was like eating chicken when he was a little kid.  Everyone did fine.  No one went hungry. and life was good until...

The older boys headed for the schoolroom and Pappy and the younger boys headed down to the basement for naps.  I brought up all the lanterns.  Usually went the boys go to the basement they get to watch a show with Pappy.  Today there was no show and I could hear lots of unhappy boys.  After about 5 minutes it got quiet and I am guessing that Pappy pulled out his phone and found a show. While we were working by camp lanterns.

Didn't bother these troopers one bit.

Louie and Asher checking out some of Michael's nutcrackers.

When everyone work up I broke out the gingerbread playdough and put it on our 'Thanksgiving table'.  And all of a sudden around 4:08 the electricity came on.  I think you could have heard my Halerlouya clear to the bus stop.

Thank you Duke Energy for all your hard work.  And thank you Mandi for the chocolate!  And also a big thank you to Mark Ellis for taking me to CFL for dinner.


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