I haven't felt the best with this head cold but I am finally turning the corner and lots of emotions have run high this week so I am #beyondgrateful that this week has come to an end.

Adi had the eagle eyes today.

Seems Boom got tangled in the lights.

Today we played inside because of rain spitting throughout the day.

Nothing like a good box.

Sometimes you need to divide and conquer.  Mark had another doctor's appointment today so I was on my one for just a bit.  We don't watch much tv on my watch but today it was helpful to pull some yahoos to that side of the room and out of the ruckus.

Louie loves it when I ask him to stop for a pic.

Avery must have heard a firetruck.

Gabe had almost the entire racetrack put together by himself.

Asher brought us a special surprise for after lunch.  And let me just tell you it was the best cookie cake I have ever had and we have had a few around here.  That's what Michael likes instead of a birthday cake.  Thank you Christa and thank you Pop's.

When you are a big kid while the others are napping you can choose any activity or any busy box you want.  This was teamwork putting a gingerbread man puzzle together. 

A big game of Bingo and playdough in the background.  What could be better...

...listening to this conversation.  I could do it all day long.


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