Party Day

What a great day!  We even managed to get in both sessions of preschool.  Levi got to have preschool in the kitchen on the lunch table because the school table was set for the party.

Boom and Baby Jesus joined us for the festivities.

The table was set and waiting for some excited yahoos.

Special goodie bags for everyone.

Santa's chair

He even came a little early.

I think they were in shock.

Santa was so good to listen and talk to each of them.  He even called them by name which threw a few f them for a loop.

Avery was having none of the man in the red suit.

Pappy trying to put in a good word for himself.

Santa we can not thank you enough.  The yahoos thought it was the most awesome thing ever.  And I am thankful for friends that come to my aid for any reason.

Louie just knew when he say this hat that pappy needed it.  It looks great on his head and on top of the schoolroom tree.

Then it was time to open gifts!

Adi is such a great help every day!

And it wasn't total choas.

We had decorated sugar cookies and then had lunch.

What a great day to be in Wammyville!

Thanks to all the families in our little village for all their help in getting this all together.  Thank you Mr. Ron for a fantastic job.  And where did you say you parked the sleigh?


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