Oh My Goodness What A Day!

Just because this is a Christmas blog I thought would throw our almost naked tree in the shuffle.  It has lots of lights and very few breakable ornaments.  All for good reason.

First thing this morning all three dogs alerted me to something wrong on the porch.  They barked and paced back and forth from the front door to the family room until I got up to see what was wrong.  The nutcracker was down and out.  I literally think he broke his neck.  I think I can mend him but he will only be about three feet tall.  I'll have to work on him tomorrow.

 I can't remember how many years we have been doing (maybe 5) this but it is fresh every year.  The conversations are priceless.  I wish I could record them all.  Some bring me to tears.  Other just crack me up!

Kelli always has such a nice place for us.  This year it was with comfy rockers.

And we met some new friends.

And we got to see some old friends too.

Some Wammyville yahoos showed up.

We even got to meet Adi's Kindergarten teacher.

After it was all over we made a few pit stops.  The first was to see Rori Belle and give her a special treat.  She's not feeling well.

At first, Gabe wouldn't look at us.  All he wanted to do was show us the ornaments on his tree.

Then he got a little excited.  I could tell by the wiggle in his toes.

I tried not to talk much because I thought the twang would give us away.  He kept looking at me like he was trying to put everything in place.

He just kept looking at Pappy and smiling.

Then we headed to The Bruce's.  We were there for not even two minutes.  Pappy said something and Levi said 'Pappy!'

Avery was having none of it.  And Pappy is his second most favorite person in the world.

Avery just wasn't happy with any of us.

And Wammy/Mrs. Claus never has a day off.  And this Wammy loves it!

We made the decision not to visit the older Wammyville yahoos just in case they recognized us and we didn't want to spoil the magic for them.  

We always have fun and look forward to stepping into our roles each year but it is time to pack everything back up and wait for next year.

Merry Christmas everyone.


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