Odds and Ends For December 2021


All dressed up for Christmas at Life Group.  What a crazy bunch of friends to share life with!

Pappy got his gift early this year...and we got to watch the Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant Christmas Special.

Simply because he had a little procedure...no big deal just a look-see to see where we are on the C journey.  All results are great.  Do it again in 6 months.

I found the most perfect gift for Murph...Goat Poop candy!

Looks like everyone made it to Bethlehem.

The K in this pic had a little trouble watching The Polar Express...one of my favorites so we did a little work to see what the issue was.  We all watched it together,  in small sections, on a small screen, and at a low volume with me talking us through all the scenes.

She gave it a two thumbs up and a smile at the end.  SUCCESS!

So...she got to have hot chocolate in my special Polar Express cup and saucer with rainbow mini marshmallows.  So brave!

Pappy and I tackled a few honey-do items on our punch list.  This is about as far as we could go on this one.  Not to worry Jon and Jeremy are going to finish up the job next week on Wed.

We celebrated Asher's birthday and the place where 'all the floors you can jump on.'  AKA Trampoline Park.

Louie got Pappy the coolest hat and it doubles as a tree topper.

A really thoughtful bunch of Moms and an extremely talented art teacher gave me this awesome representation of Wammyville.


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