It's Gingerbread Everything Day

 We don't have many days this month to spend in Preschool.  So every single day needs to be jammed packed with 'school-related' activities that are fun, meaningful, and more fun.  It was Workbook Wednesday so we got those things out of the ay first so we could enjoy the rest of the busy day.

Levi mixed all the ingredients to the applesauce gingerbread men.

He got to dig out his favorite colors for the eyes and the buttons.

Gingerbread Man Busy Box

After lunch s was time for Gingerbread Mansion decorating.

We decided that I would ice with the white and they would decorate with everything else

Cooperation was key!

The afternoon class gets a chance to create their boys.

A little math lesson on small to large with the gingerbread playdough.  I love this stuff.  The house smells like I have been baking all day long.

At the Art Center, you can decorate a gingerbread man with dry-erase markers.

Gabe is back!  And into the playdough!

He just realized that there was a train around the tree.  Oh, how I love this tree!!

Jase was instructing Louie on the art of drawing a big truck.

The boys found a note from Boomerang.

Adi beats in time until she gets to go to the bus stop to get Ava.  Because when Ava gets here they are going to work on the scenery for the Gingerbread Mansion.

And then Ellie came to get Louie and we asked her to help.

She was glad to join in even though she had a Christmas tree waiting to be decorated just like the cardboard one we have in the schoolroom.

Creative juices flowing all over the place.

Nice work, Ellie!

Ava added a little snow to her tree.

Our finished product!!  Stunning to say the least.  I love it!
And a great time was had by all!


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