Imogene's Turn To Hike


We need to work on the selfies a bit.

Walter gets it.  He sits so well.

Imogene will sit but once you get out the camera she is all over the place.

We got so confused on the trail but did happen to make a wrong turn and found this tree.  Google lens says that it is a Honey Locust.

As usual, I had a puker.  We had almost gotten to Valley View and I smelled it.  All I had were tissues and dog poop bags.  I am gagging like no other.  One of these days I will wither remember not to feed them in the morning on hiking days or they will get over it.  I hope each hike gets better.  Thank heavens for the leather interior.

We love hiking at Valley View but the trail markers are a bit confusing.  And at the trailhead, the map and the markers on the trail don't match up.  I think someone could have a great Eagle Scout Project here.

We only ended up doing 2.72 miles.


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