I'm A Great Aunt Again


Look at that cutie.  And what a story he will be able to tell.

He was a scheduled C-section but when his Mom was all hooked up and ready to go into surgery they canceled and sent her home because the blood supply of the hospital was extremely low.  His big sister expecting to see her brother climbed in the car, got in her car seat and reached over and removed the blanket in his car seat, and yelled...'hey, where is my little brother?'

Two days later they are back at the hospital at 6AM...going to be the first surgery for the day.  Well, after several very long hours for everyone he made his entrance!

Hey world, look at me!

They put a newborn diaper on him and the nurse turned to Molly and said well I think we need to go up a size because it looks like he has on a speedo!

Congratulations Zack, Molly, and Lyla Jean.
(Lyla has our Mom's name as her middle name and Abe has our dad's name)


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