He's Back

 And everyone is excited!

And he even came with a note for the yahoos...

I'm back!  I have missed all of you so much XXX OOO I almost didn't make it.  I ran out of magic dust just down the street by the fire hydrant.  Ollie saw me outside and opened the doggie doog for me.  I really like your school room.  I can tell that you learn lots of things in here.  Way up here is a good place for me to sit because I will be able to see and hear everything.  Excited to see what you do.

Adi was super excited to find a note in the bathroom.

Also this year we will be looking for Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus.  Along with reading the Christmas Story a little a day, we will be searching for Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus as they travel around the house.  Just like they traveled to Bethlehem.  I saw the idea somewhere on FB the other day and thought it was a really great idea.  I'd like to find a Child's version of the Christmas Story that would be appropriate for the yahoos.  I think my Bible might be too wordy for them.
Does anyone have any suggestions


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