Very Laidback Thanksgiving

 Laidback Thanksgiving was just what the doctor ordered.  We did a thing this year since Cassie and crew are in CA, Emmy is cooking with the Manders, Bryce is cooking with Tini's family, Sarah is cooking as best she can with two surgeries on her hands in two weeks, we can't seem to locate Porche and Michael is working.

Walter made an early morning drop-off.  He enjoyed an entire apple pie in about two bites directly off the stove yesterday.  He looks so sorry, doesn't he?

I set the table with our Garden Party china with a combination of several sets of silverware and leftover turkey napkins for the Wammmyville feast.  I love a good miss-match.  I even got out the linen tablecloth that we draw and write on each year.

So we ordered the Thanksgiving Dinner from Cracker Barrel!  Great idea right?  Sorta.  You get a big box full of delicious food with no directions on how to cook it.  Well, everything is precooked but there are no warming instructions.  I know you are thinking I should be smart enough to know how to warm things up.  I am but just didn't not want to do it right and ruin the food.  Well, I did, kinda burn the whole pecan pie.  But the rest was really good.

And here we are, the three of us ready to chow down.

Sure is a good thing I had on my comfy clothes.  I don't think I will have to eat for a few days.


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