Two Mini Hikes In One Day

 Oh, what a day it was!  Too many funny things happened and they were so funny but you had to be there in the moment to think they were funny I am going to guess.  I am going to try my best to paint the pic for you.

We decided to go to Longbranch Farm to check it out.  It has been a while since we have been there.

With our spanking new renewed Cincinnati Nature Center passes we drive up to the gate to swipe our cards.  We tried on a few times on one card and then we tried several more times on the other one.  No luck.  We tried punching in a code that we found on the back of the card.  Again no luck.  Emmy calls the number that is posted and the lady giggles a bit when we told her our cards were not working.  She could probably see the 20+ times Emmy had swiped the card.  No worries she let us in with no problem.

We are now in.  Parked. Bundled up...the wind was brisk making it cold.  Dogs leashed up and off we go down the Firefly Trail.

We even stopped for a photo opt with the dogs.  Gladys got to go this time because she comes alphabetically first.  It is easier for me to keep straight who gets the next turn.  Great fun until...
we encountered another dog...a beautiful husky that didn't want to play nice.  Here is the funny part and it all happened in slow motion.  We walk toward the husky.  The dogs see each other.  Gladys isn't the least bit excited about it.  Walter on the other hand sees a big playmate and wants to play.  The husky had beautiful pearly white big, sharp fangs!  Emmy tries to make her way by but they people don't try to help the situation at all.  Walter manages to pull Emmy down so she looks like a turtle on its back...I mean feet in the air and she CAN NOT get up!  I risk life and limb and grab Walter by the edge of his harness and together we manage to pull him away and get Emmy right side up.  Needless to say the hike was over and we headed for the parking lot.  

We still wanted to hike so we head back to Valley View.
Emmy and Walter were much more at ease here because the trails are wider and other is enough room to pull over when other dogs need to pass.  Walter just wants to play with everything that has four legs.

Gladys on the other hand wants everyone with two legs to rub her belly.

These two are more trouble than 6 yahoos when it comes to looking at the camera for a group shot.  We are going to need to work on that.

Then to put icing on the cake we get in the car to come home and even before Emmy and I can get in the car Gladys throws up!  Emmy and a Kroger bag to the rescue!

We celebrated our small victories of today with hot coffee and a piece of lemon tart in the backyard. 

Another story that will live forever in the history of the Ellis family.


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