They Were So Excited!


Between the boys and the dogs, we now have at least five holes that Avery might get lost in if he should fall in.

They are on a fire run.  Louie is driving.  Jase is giving commands as to who has what job when they get to the fire.

They must have gotten things under control pretty fast.

Moving on to the next thing.

This little firefighter does not want to leave the station.

The little mom.

She is such a big help to us.

We worked hard in school. Even got to read a chapter in our book, The Fire Cat.  Here they are working on a thank you card for Mr. Jon.

While we were lining up to go outside Mr, Jon B sent two pics that the boys went crazy over...

Then we headed outside.

We firsts zipped it, locked it, and put the key in our pockets so we could be good listeners.

Everyone sat in their own personal square.

Jon always does such a great job with his presentation.

I was holding my breath!  He did a great job! I was so proud of him.

This year there was an added piece of excitement.  I think it is a water cannon?

You should have seen their eyes when Jon shot the water all the way to his truck.

And then when he asked them if they wanted a turn to shot it...oh my word I thought they were going to jump out of their skin.

I even got a turn!  Oh, I wanted to squirt them so bad!

They each got a fire safety kit.

A helmet.

And because they were so good they each are now junior firefighters.  They even had to repeat a little pledge. "I will be fire safe".  And then Jon presented them with their own badge. They thought it was big stuff...and it was!

The best picture so far this year for sure!


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