School Day

 These pictures are in no certain order...sorry but it has been a long week.

If Carly has time she has a guided art lesson for the yahoos.  And they love it as much as she does.

Guess this little pumpkin's name.

This is better than cutting a pumpkin.  We have had these plastic pieces for years.

Everyone had a section.

Levi loves a good painting activity.  He dives right in.

He was so proud of the finished product.

After poking holes all over the outside of the pumpkin it eas easier to push the features in the skin.

They love to work together on a good tall tower.

scary cat

Love our pumpkin patch.

I think he likes his progress.

Now there is a thought..just put them in a crock.

Bingo markers are the best things ever!

Avery learning how to tear up Jack.

And after this, the kitchen disappeared...sorta like no more jumping on the bed.

 Busy, busy, BUSY days!


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