One Of My Favorite Halloween Books


After breakfast and before Pappy takes Carly Rae to school Carly has now decided that she will have an art lesson with the yahoos.  She even has lesson plans!

Today they are learning how to draw a pumpkin and then we added eyes to make them Jack-O-Lanterns.

The results.

That looks like troube.

We had to do a little picking and cleaning up in the goat pen.  I had lots of so-called helpers.

I have been reading this book since Cassie and Emmy were little.  I think this is my third copy.

This was so funny to look back at in pictures.  Levi picked out the book he wanted to read.  Okay, let's do this.

The more we got into it the further away we moved.

He is stretching that little head as far as he can to see.

And then this happened.  He was out of there.

He must think this is the safest place in the room.

We played a little color bingo using spiders as markers.

Nothing like a little cutting and gluing to make your day a good one.

We might have finished school a little early so we could watch Mr. Jon cut down the big grass.

They all were in the front row.

After lunch, it was time for PM PS.

They all are doing so well using their scissors.  I am so glad I found the ' learners' are what I call them.

Look at all those thumbs-up buttercups!

I think they liked seeing themselves in the camera just as much as  the book.

Just wait until you hear the cackles.

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