Marshmallow Shooters and Soccer


This guy right here was possessed!  Marshmallow shooters were all I heard about until we finally had enough paper towels tubes.

He approves 110%!

Gabe got a toilet paper tube shorter version.


Sometimes you take a little break from the competition.

And sometimes you sit and look at your reflection in the window and sing.

Will he ever use the petals?

Louie where are your boots?

Levi telling Gabe to climb over the gate to get something for him.  And Gabe has no problem with that.

Then they all got serious about a soccer match.

I love the preschool classes don't get me wrong but I love watching them play together outside from 8:30 am to whenever their parents get here.  They are all so tired and soooo dirty.  The dirtier they are the better day they have had in my book.


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