Best Activity Ever


Adilyn wanted to show me what she has been learning at school.

I'd say that she is making great progress!

After breakfast, it is Art Lessons with Carly.

Levi and I started with pumpkins.

We made funny faces.

We found all the letter c's that we could find.  And then counted them.

We cut some big pumpkins that we turned into Jack-O-Lanterns.

I mixed up some orange glue to dot the c's.

And after lunch, it was time to do it all again with the older boys.

a drop and not a lot

Putting pumpkins in the wagons.

a little more counting

Introducing the letter of the week...Cc.

Ali shared her new pumpkin book.

Digging deep to get everything out.

Using the little wooden hammers was a challenge so they ended up just pushing them in with their hands.

Then I brought out the rubber bands for stretching from one tee to another.

They used every rubber band I could find in the house.

Waiting on Ava at the bus stop.


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