They're Back In Full Force

 This year may be the death of me.  FIVE BOYS in preschool!  Today was our first day.  I had visions of it being the worst first day ever but I was actually quite surprised.  I really went better than I could have expected.  I don't want it to sound like these boys are the worst kids ever, like the Herdmans.  Not at all.  It is just the thought of keeping them all engaged and wanting to learn.  But as you can see they were busy.  I am not saying that everything was a smooth as it could be.  Yes, there were some bumps in the road but we managed to work things out and it was a good first day.  I learned a few things that will serve me well down the road.

And here we are!  Finally!

Levi is the youngest of the group this year.  Smart as a whip and always ready to go.

I feel like Jase has been here before but no it was his sister, Adi.  I think she taught him all that he knows about preschool.

Connor is one of the big kids this year.  He has changed so much!  He will be a big help.

Louie has already proven that he knows what is going on.  Came right in today like he owned the place.

Asher even put gel in his hair for the first day.  He was all smiles all day long!  And he is our jokester!

I found a few little creatures on Sunday and brought them to preschool in hopes of watching them form their chrysalis and turn into a moth and a butterfly.

They were a hit!

Connor going in for a closer look.

And this is how our day went...

And at the end of the day, we were all smiles!

We will get Asher's pic tomorrow.  He had to leave early.

And here he is all smiles and cool hair on his first day of preschool which is actually his second day.

Here is our silly first day of school pic!


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