Just Another Crazy Monday

 And it was from beginning to end!

Gabe got a double honey boo-boo on his knee.

I think he should be a cat for Halloween.  He already has perfect whickers.

He bounced back in full force.

Imogene doing her guarding thing.

Looks like Adilyn is giving the boys what for.

The best smile I got all day.

Gabe taking a little ride around the patio.

I can't decide if he is talking to Murph or his friend Halk.

Boys doing boy things.

This is the normal look I get for pics.


Adilyn going back to her toddler days.

Adilyn and I got Ava off the bus today.  She has the nicest bus driver.  He had suckers for all of us.  So we had a sucker party at the bus stop.  And then the sweetest thing happened.  Adilyn asked Ava if she could carry her backpack for her.  And of course, Ava said yes.  Then Adi says, 'that's just what sisters do.'


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