Dickie's Fishing Class 101

 Mark and I spent a few hours out by the Lake at Miami Meadows.  First because Dickie said he wanted to take me fishing...YEA!  And second, I was doing some recon for our Wammyville Fishing Derby next weekend.

I thought I knew pretty much about fishing.  Shoot, did I ever get shown a thing or two.  Dickie knows a lot about things! I learned a few tricks that I plan on using next weekend.  Hopefully, we will pull in some big 'ens.

Sometimes if it weren't for Jenanne watching the pole and telling Dickie that he had a bite, he might have missed a few.  Just saying that she is a good fisherwoman!

And don't cha know it...he pulled in this mostster.

He might have been just fishing but we coud have said we were using this little one for bait.  Yep, that's exactly what we were doing.

I caught a bunch of little ones but we threw mine all back.

We had a ball and Mark made it home for the ballgame.  I think that is a win, win!  Thanks Hess's for a fun evening.  And I will be using all the gems I learned.  Now a trip to the tackle shop to pick up my new essentials.


Cassie said…
Did you hire a new graphic designer? Am I out of a job?
Cassie said…
Am I out of a job? Have you hired a new graphic designer?

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