Wildlife Across The Street


Last week Mark was sitting on the front porch and he yelled for me to bring the binoculars and come to the front porch.  I couldn't imagine what it was.  I was hoping for an eagle maybe.

We really couldn't tell from the front porch so I ran back into the house and grabbed my big girl camera.

These aren't the best pics one because of the photographer and two because he was backlit by the bright sun.

But they are good enough for Google Lens to tell me that he is a red-shouldered hawk.

I was still hoping for an eagle.

Because I was the crazy lady standing in the street under a tree taking pic I met a few more new friends in the neighborhood.  When he flew away his wingspan was huge and with the feather marking, I thought he might be a Cooper's hawk.

He came back yesterday so I am thinking that he might have a nest close by?


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