Wammyville Mom's Kayaking Trip


We unloaded at Kelly's Nature Preserve.

Vest checks.

And we are off.

nerves of steel

First boat in...

And Kory had to be the first one in it.

Next up Big Bertha.

And she is powered by Marji and Tammie.  Marji is a yaker from way back and Tammie is a newbie.

They are getting a feel for the river.

Mandy getting her bearings.  She was just a little on the nervous side.

Jeremy making sure everything is set for Ali in Pappy's big old yak.

Taking her out for a spin.

It's just me waiting patiently for everyone to get in a feel comfortable before we head down the river.  God and I had several conversations about this trip.  On several occasions.

Amanda in Jeremy's kayak.

Group shot before we go!

And we are headed down the river and some of the little people don't understand what is going on.

These guys plus Pappy are the best!

Floating on the smooth water.

Pappy parked illegally on the bridge, taking his life in his own hands to get a video and some shots as we passed under the bridge.

It had rained the night before but we still got hung up on some of the rocks.  Which was sometimes pretty funny.

We pulled over so I could eat a PBJ.  Gotta stop at the snack spot.  Ya just gotta.

They were so patient and let me eat and drink all I wanted.

This is my favorite part of the river.  The ripples are longer and a little bit bigger.  It is right behind the VFW.  I don't know how in the world Pappy got down there to get the videos.

This girl knows how to read the river.

These two know how to use the rocks to their advantage.  That big old monster is so heavy that it got hung up a lot.

But they are looking good in it.

Came down looking like pros!

Mandi got to try out Amanda's kayak.  She thinks this is the way to go from now on.

Amanda is such a good friend.  She wanted Mandi to have a good time so being the experienced canoe person that she is, she traded her kayak for Mandi's canoe 3/4 of the way on the trip.

Look at these two...like smooth sailing on glass.

All of a sudden I hear Marji yell something that sounded like 'fish!'  And it was.  A minnow literally jumped into her lap.

Swallow nests under the bridge in Old Milford.

If I may make one suggestion it would be that someone, the Township or an Eagle Scout looking for a great Eagle Project, Police and Firefighters, or even a partnership with a business in Old Milford (hint, hint RRT)...could someone please fix the take out at Jim Terrell Park.  It is horrible and someone is going to get hurt.  It is such a nice area with metal benches, a place to camp with a small picnic area, it would be a plus if the ramp was in better shape.

I think Kory might be investing in a kayak before the next trip.

Levi headed to the river.

They did it!

Gabe says he needs to go on the next trip.

Adilyn checking to see if everything is where it should be.

Loaded up and ready to roll.

Thanks, Jay and Jon for the use of the trailer!  It worked out perfectly, maybe even better than Pappy's truck.

Two of the best pics of the day!

The weather could not have been more perfect.  The company was fun...funny at times.  Thanks, everyone for your help.  Now, what should we plan next?

Bike trip?  Camping outing? Fishing Tournament?



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