I Thought We Were Going To Melt Like Our Popsicles


I drug out every toy we owned (except the red truck) and put water in it.

Ava doesn't think she likes her passenger riding on top of her car.

Avery was getting a little hot so he came in...checking out Imgene's kennel.  Wouldn't you know it?  Guess we will have to start locking them during the day.  That goes along with putting rubber bands around the cabinet handles, putting everything up high and out of his reach, and putting some kind of alarm or second lock on the front door and the garage door.  We have a few escape artists.

Officer Adilyn assisting with the traffic back-up.

Levi our t for his Sunday drive on Thursday.

This one is an eater.  But then again they all are good eaters.

It seems like her road rage has calmed down.

Jase showing his alligator chompers.

While the little ones were napping, the big ones made a tent city.

Avery has always been able to sleep anysehre.  He took his morning nap outside this morning.

Gabe kept gently petting and rubbing Avery's bac and telling me that he was his buddy.  So sweet.

Well, Avery managed to find the dog's pool which I did not put water in and that is where he played.

They still love the climber.  Even with Jumanji growing all around.

All of a sudden I had a little monkey on my back.

Jase in his tent!

The girls made a duplex.


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