Odds and Ends


Two of the things I love best, gardening and dirt under my nails.

Cassie's pinching tip really works.

Mark calls them the three sisters.

Look what Louie found.

Man of many talents.  The drain was clogged.

I have found the best thing in the world for me.  They work great but they look a little strange.  But I love them!

I took my lens ball and big girl camera to Amish country and tried to get an interesting shot.  I sent it to Denise to divert the pic inside the ball.  She did a good jo.

I'm thinking fairy garden.

Look who cut some grass,

We found a Mason Bee house.  Now we have them on each side of the backyard.

Murph and Bridgit for the win.  I got overheated and dizzy.  Murph and Bridgit brought me everything that I needed.

I made Gabe his very own Trash Truck.

Hoping these will help the boys focus next year.

We had to drop off something at the Sick's.  Marji not feeling her best and I just look this good after being in the yard all day.

Now I know now what to do with all those extra rocks in the yard.

And these are too cute.  Gosh, wouldn't it be amazing if we could actually look like this?

Looking forward to this!

This shirt is perfect.

Gabe lookout!


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