Looking For The Mountains

 First, let me just say that I am thrilled beyond anything that we have Wifi!  I thought we were going to be without and I was going to have to try to keep all the days straight in my head to do a blog or blogs once we got home.  I was pleasantly surprised!  So here we go.

As usual, we are packed to the gills.  And as usual Ellis and Alaire are our backseat drivers.  The first stop is our favorite bagel shop, Everything Bagel in Eastgate.

Cassie and Mark have gotten smart over the last few years.  Cassie makes out the menu for the week and then between the two of them they offer the groceries to be picked up at a place near wherever we are staying.  This year is was Walmart.  The only problem...it was two hours away from our place. 

One of the first pics taken on this trip was by Alaire and her vintage Polaroid camera.  We were on an overlook of the famous Rt 129, The Tail of The Dragon in Deals Gap on the TN-NC border.  It is the curviest mountain road I have ever been on 318 curves in 11 miles!  Insane!  We did see a horrible wreck but everyone looked okay.

Not too much to see on the overlook.

We had dinner in.  We cooked because Cassie had a little episode trying to drive up the mountain.  She had a near-death experience with the dropoff on her side of the mountain.  She and I don't do heights well.  She told Trevor that she was getting out and walking the rest of the way up the mountain because she just needed to get her feet on the ground.  Trevor had to back the car down the road.  Trevor found a guy on a four-wheeler that helped him get up the mountain. When it came time for dinner she said she WAS NOT GOING DOWN.  (Sarah kind of like you when you weren't going to get off the boat at the beach)

Delicious dinner on the back deck as the sun was going down, unbelievable views, and then a fun card game.  Everyone else is in bed snoozing away while I am sitting here enjoying the quiet and this amazing place.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's adventures.


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