Wammyville Dinner Number 2

 I love it when we can all get together and have dinner.  This time it was so much easier.  We had the tables and chairs out and everyone came when they could. They brought their own dinner and we all ate outside while the dogs were inside (for awhile).  Kory made a couple of delicious desserts and others brought different other kinds of sweetness.  That's always my favorite part.

We brought the little kid tables and chairs out which they love to do.

We had lots of big people seating.

I remembered that we wanted to get a group shot.  I also remembered that I had a tripod to set up and it has a remote control.  This was the first attempt at getting us camera ready.  Oops!

 This turned out to be the best pic ever.  Just one thing...I forgot that I had the remote in my hand and ended up setting the timer on the phone to take the picture.  It doesn't sound as funny now as it was then. What a goof  I am!

Kory asked if we were going to do it again next month.  I was the first to say yes!


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