Turn and Burn

 A few weeks ago I traveled to WV to attend a baby shower for our niece, Alex.  She is expecting the stork to deliver a little bundle of pink joy SOON.  It was so fun to see everyone!

The church looked so pretty.  The food was amazing.  The cakes were sooooo good!  WE played games and I actually won a prize.  My girls were so surprised because I never shop but I won the Guess the Price Game.

I carried on Mark and Terry's grandmothers tradition.  When someone in the family had a baby Mamaw (Ethel) would make receiving blankets.  Mine are no where as detailed as hers but the tradition lives on.  Instead of giving cards Alex asked for books for the babies library.  I chose a book about our famous hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens, FIONA and a note that I would take her to see Fiona when she was ready for her first trip to the zoo.

Harper Leigh we can't wait for you to get here.


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