On The Hunt

 Every day is an adventure.  We were on the hunt for an old rusty gate for the City Park.  

But before we could begin our hunt we had some of my famous cinnamon and sugar AirFrier donuts.

The last time we were here they were jammed with the best antiques around.  I knew we would find what we were looking for here.  Nope.  There were some really nice antiques but mixed in were lots of things that were made to look old but really weren't.

But I did find some unique things.

Cassie found Srah's favorite book from when she was little.

I loved these tin letters.  I need these letters in my life.  I have a vision for Sunflower Lane in the Pumpkin Patch.

 Thought this was great!

I can find enough wood around here to make one of these. I don't know where I will put it, but I like it.

Next stop.  And what did we find here...

...a $4 puzzle that we were (are) going to take on vacation.  Alaire couldn't wait.

This was a fun shop.

And they did have a few gates but they weren't rusty enough and the price wasn't what we had hoped for.

I remembered this one.  The last time we were in we bought a little ice cream table and chairs for the yahoos to match the larger one we have for the adults.

By now we were getting hungry for lunch.  Cassie found a place that Trevor raves about.  So why not.

And did we ever have lunch.  I think we had one of everything on the menu.  Notice Ellis's tray...already gone.

Then we just had to stop at the famous candy shop.  Delicious milkshakes.  But I came away with a piece of every kind of chocolate that made...except for the sugar-free.  And then I forgot it at Cassie's and Ellis found it!  Dang it!

We started and...

I might look a little tired,  Alaire stayed up until midnight and I stayed up until 2AM working on this silly thing.

All finished except for the 6 pieces that were missing or chewed up, thank you very much puppies.

And we are off again.

I thought this was the most clever idea.  I think I'll have to do this and maybe add a recipe card.

SUCCESS!  Pappy found a new watering can.  And it is just like the one that we have now that has a small leak in it.  Now we have his and hers!  I found a big old rusty galvanized bucket, my favorite...just ask Murph.

And here we go eating again.  Happy Father's Day Trevor and Pappy.

We can do some good eating.


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