I cannot believe that we finally found this quilt. 

Back Story: Back when I had time and energy to quilt I made this for Mark's dad I think for Christmas.  All of the cream-colored pieces of fabric have his saying on them.  He had a million more but we picked 10 of our favorites. 

We have looked for years for this lost quilt.  I thought for sure that it has somehow gotten thrown away or had gone to Goodwill.  Oh no Cassie found it in the basket that she got when we sold the house that sat on the hearth filled with newspapers.  Somehow it had gotten folded and covered with newspaper.  She only found it because she was cleaning out the piano room in her spring cleaning.  I have never been so thrilled to find something in all my life.  She had it folded and on the end of the bed when we got to her house.

The lost has finally been found!  Now I can stop beating myself up about it.

Okay, Mellert here you go...

Tenacity of purpose
He whom the God's wish to destroy, they first make angry.
I'll beat you until you can't walk and then I'll...
$Time is money$
Keep a Goin'!!
A woman is old when she looks it, and a man's old when...
Good, better, best never let it rest...
I'd rather live rich than die rich
Love and Honor to Old Chesapeake


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