Memorial Day Weekend

 What a great day.  Erin invited us to come to her parent's house for an afternoon of fishing and fun.  Didn't have to ask me twice!  I'm a fisherman from way back.

The Tompson's were there too.  Haven't seen them in forever.

My nice little bass.  Oh, how fun that was.  We caught all kinds of panfish.  We used hot dogs and when those ran out we hunted for cicadas.

Temple ran into a little bad luck.  She got a fish hook in the indie of her lip.  Erin had to take her to the ER Vet about 15 minutes away.  I went with her for moral support.  The good news is that they took her right in because if she licked it and dislodged it she could have swallowed it or she could have gotten in stuck in her tongue.  They rushed her right in and I bet we were there less than 45 minutes.  While the people that phone or brought animals in were put on a 4-5 hour waiting list.  I am happy to report that Temple is just fine like nothing ever happened.

Thanks, Erin for a great afternoon!  I'm ready to do it again!


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