Little Get Away For The Old Farmers

Hisrich Hills

 Mark knows how much I love this log cabin and how much I enjoy riding the country roads in Amish country in Ohio.  He had this trip planned for my birthday in the fall.  We couldn't go then because of COVID.  So Doug has been holding our money until we could come.  Then Mark had knee surgery added to another diagnosis that we are just watching for the time being.  So with the first year of preschool ending, his very slow rehab with his knee and his health we decided to go to the cabin for a few days in the middle of the week.

I wish I could calculate how many miles we put on the car.  I'm guessing it was a ton!  We drove, shopped at all my favorite places, and of course ate well.

I always take pic of the Amish from the back, never showing their faces out of respect for their beliefs.  Andy and Lizzie taught me that.

First stop before even getting to the cabin was a stop at 
Warther Cutlery
924 N Tuscarawas Ave
Dover, OH
My dad had a wonderful collection of Warther knives and every year on the way to Canada he would take them by the shop and have them sharpened.  It was a free service they offer for customers that own knives.  He had given we a few over the years.  When he passed away I inherited the knives.  I love them because they are so different from any other kitchen knives,

You can watch and it only takes a few minutes.  See the longest knife in the first pic?  They asked me about it.  It was one of the first ones that my dad got and they don't make it any more.  It is an 8 or 10 inch fillet knife.

Before I even made it out the front door of the shop I had already stabbed my self and there was blood.  We bought sheaths for all of them.  I am one happy girl.

Next stop was Lemans
4779 Kidron Road
Dalton, OH

This is my favorite place to shop.  I dislike shopping but I do love to shop here.  The store is huge and filled with all sorts of things.  I was looking for a boot jack, a copper kettle, and a 3 gallon crock for making kraut.  We had no luck but we did come away with a puzzles that we are going to take on trip to the mountains.

Something new this trip.  All the Amish are riding/driving these kinds of bikes.  I think they are solar powered or something.

The backroads really make my heart happy.  I love looking at the different farms and how they are landscaped.

You drive right between two barns to get past this farm.  The cows always loo to see who is passing.

And there she is in all of her glory.  I do love this place.  I have always dreamed of living on a farm in a log cabin and that dream started many, many, years ago.

And the sun was shining on the day of  heading a different direction for our search.

Cheese curds reming me of my grandparents, dad, and the Black River Cheese Shop in Picton, Ontario, Canada.  That is the first place I ever ate them.  And they didn't have this assortment of flavors.


We had our own little charcuterie (card) board.  Eating while we are driving.

Now I am going to show you some of the rooms in the cabin.  I would show you more but we have friends going to stay there in a few weeks for the first time and I don't want to spoil it for them.

This ladder leads to the loft.  Last time Michael went with us he got to stay up there.

There is a little sitting area between the front room and the kitchen.

I LOVE the firspalce!

The winding stairs that lead to the huge beautiful bedroom upstairs.

The first floor porch.  So calming to sit here with a cup of coffee and muffing in the morning.  And speaking of muffins...

Jennifer always makes sure there are some of the best muffins you ever put in your mouth, a dozen of the most beautiful brown eggs, OJ, milk, butter, and coffee in the fridge.  The muffins are what I look forward to every year.

The landscaping is simple with interesting features.

I got out my lens ball to see what I could do with it.  I'm not impressed with myself at all.  I was so afraid that it would roll of the stone and shatter into a million pieces.

Doug calls this the Monument to the Simple Man or something like that.  Mark told me that the entire story about how he constructed it is framed on the cabin wall.

Last morning.  Heading out the places unknown n the way back to real life.

And we had a little friend come and say goodbye.
( I finally used my tripod with the remote.  And that was way to much fun!

We stopped at a lot of antique shops along the way home.

And then there was the little town of Zoar.  Interesting history and beautiful homes and the landscaping was amazing.  It was like you stepped back in time.

I text these two pics to Murph to se if we could maybe make something like them for NottaLottaFarm's COVID caMOOnity garden.

Old school

Aren't these lovely?

All good things must come to an end.  But when we got home the garden had some little treats for us.

I love my time at the log cabin.  Ron and Deb I hope your time there is filled with lots of quiet time and fun adventures.


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