Going Home

Every time I go home it is to see the places and people I love in the world.  They are my people.  They know me better than I know myself.  They love with every fiber in their bodies.  Home has most definitely changed but our people have not.  They have only gotten older but gotten better.

One of the things from my past and one from the present coming together in the front seat of my car.  Eating the best hot dog on the planet and listening and watching Jason's message from Eastside.  My two worlds have come together.  Technology is truly amazing.

I can not cross the river without seeing the Ladies of Wyngate.  I called Robin and she gathered up the troops so I could visit a little while with them on the front porch.  It was so good to see the faces that helped me when I needed it the most.  I wanted so bad to hug each and everyone of them but stupid COVID says no!

The reason for going home was to hug the necks of the Blake family and celebrate the life of one of the good guys.  Max Blake was one of my dad's high school friends.  They both worked at INCO, their kids went to school with some of our kids, we all went to the same church, Max's daughter is like one of our own daughters.  So when I say they are like family they literally are.  One of the best funeral services on record...if you can classify them like that.
Class of 47!

We got a chance to visit with Popaw Creasy.  Former Pastor of our home church and another relative...this time by blood on Mark's side of the tree.  It was so good to get a hug from him.  He told story after story.  We laughed and we cried.  I am so glad we stopped to visit.  It was so hard to leave.

I was a little bit of a train wreck after going to the funeral and gong down memory lane but on the way home God put a huge smile on my face with this little piece of a rainbow up in the clouds.


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