This Is What 46 Years Looks Like


Life has certainly taken us on some amazing journeys.  We have gone places we would never have dreamed of being able to go.  We have survived moves away from family and dear friends. We have weathered some pretty big storms and come out the other side with flying colors.  We have raised five awesome kids with the last name Ellis and many more that have come into our lives and found a place in our hearts.  And grandkids too many to count because they are all ours. From chickens, rabbits, goats, and dogs we have done it all.   From the sandy shores of NC to the mountains along the Appalachian trail we have gone side by side. Now in this season of life, we are supposed to be slowing down and smelling the roses.  But no...God willing there will be more awesome adventures ahead.

Happy Anniversary.  Here's to any more!


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