Odds and Ends Of May

 Just some shots I couldn't find where to stick them in so they get a blog all their own.

I'm really not sure who enjoys this more, the girl or the dog.

Avery cooling off in his private pool.

They're playing with shaving cream but actually, they are cleaning off the pads on the table.

Eating a little sweet treat from Murph.

 I can splash and no one cares.  Life is so good.

Gabe trying to figure a way into the strawberries.

Goofy nuts

chipmunk cheeks

Kids and dogs...that's what we have around here.

Everyone loves watermelon.

A quick dip to get that good sweet watermelon juice off my belly.

Gabe has parked his car.

I don't know how he does it.

mud vs cicadas

They love playing the bug memory game.

Gabe checking out the pink car.

They are still cleaning.

We chalk the rocks.

He loves the water.

And that's a good nap.


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