Murph Strikes Again


Just jammin' to the tunes.

Levi is ready to work.  At least he isn't yelling for me because he found 'more poop'.

Gabe found the last of the water puddles in the back of Murph's wagon from when he was a kid.

Our hole punches came in...FINALLY!

Now everyone has their own.  I could literally give them some paper, a hole punch, and scotch tape and they could busy themselves for hours.

It is just the little things.

We worked on putting the alphabet together without any help from an adult.  Between the three of them, it took a while.

Connor was still working on strengthening those little hand and finger muscles.  And he wasn't too happy about it.

Louie circles are perfect on every sheet.  He always takes his time and does it to the best of his ability.

I look up and see Murph with a bag in his hands and a big grin of=n his face.  Today's special treat surprise is Okra Chips?  

I was thrilled beyond measure that everyone took a no thank you bite without any fuss.

The faces were hysterical!

And this was how they felt about their snack.  And I think I am going to have to agree with them on this one.


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