

We have been working on our ball rolling skills with playdough just for this reason.

And a little mud puddle jumping for good measure.

Murph and I turned the bathtub over because it is going to a new home in the yard (more on that at a later date) and we found lots of big, fat, juicy worms and three cicadas.

There is nothing worse than having rocks in your boots.

Levi sharing the littlest worm I have ever seen.  I can hardly wait for one of them to bring me a little snake.

Murch surprised us with push-ups  They hit the spot.

Levi is a pretty good puddle jumper.

Jase is the KING of mudballs.

And he gets the most mud on him on a daily basis.

Levi can find a puddle anywhere.

Who is the dirtiest?


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