Last Day Of Preschool Field Day

 And what a day it was!

We got the old orange fence out.  Felt like old times.  And Connor is still trying to get past it.

I filed Avery's pool with a few water balloons.

Everybody got in on that.

Then a little wet chalk drawing session.  I love the vibrant colors.

Everyone was practicing their names.

Then we broke out the popsicles  It was getting a little warm on that blacktop.

To participate in the next scheduled activity all of the little balloon pieces had to be picked up.  I have never seen them gather things so quickly.

And then this happened and the rest is the BEST DAY EVER!

Hundreds of water balloons in the ghetto pool.

And the rest of the watermelon that Murph brought us earlier this week.

What a great day and a swell sendoff to summer  Thanks Tony and Maggie for the loan of the blow-up.  Not to mention set-up and take-down.  And Maggie thanks for being the assistant of the day since Pappy was MIA with another doctor's appointment.


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