Favorite Flower Day

 Thursdays are Show and Tell.  This week they were asked to bring a picture, drawing, or an actual flower that is their favorite.

But first breakfast.

Jase got a little aggressive with his granola and yogurt.

I snuck out and picked one of each kind of daffodils that we have growing in the yard.  And maybe two sprigs of forsythia.

Right before it started to rain we rushed out to get a cup full of good dirt for our seeds.  They literally were in the first sprinkles of the storm that we never really got.

We learned about the parts of a sunflower.

And what flowers need to grow.

And then we made a special flower that they were so excited about.

We even planted sunflower seeds that I had harvested from our sunflowers last year.

Pappy even let us use his new Paw Patrol watering can.

We found two bluebird feathers.

What a dirty crew.

Our special sunflowers.


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